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All About Club W

Club W, originally known as the OHCC Widows Club, was started by resident Joanne Viner. Joanne lost her husband in February 2020 right before the pandemic. She was grieving all alone in her home and couldn't see anyone, even her family, due to Covid restrictions. She noticed some clubs connecting on and decided to start an OHCC Widows Club. Initially eight or 10 ladies signed up, and within a few months they met on her patio with masks, social distancing, and their own beverage. What a lifeline this group provided to its earliest members!


The club grew, rebranded itself as Club W, and added a variety of social activities. Today membership stands at 110 and growing. As widows helping other widows, we offer activities, newsletters, luncheons, fun and games, events, monthly speakers, and more. Together, we help each other with hope, healing, and a new pathway to widowhood. We want to transform loss into forward momentum, ultimately focusing on your health, not your grief. We’re here to help, and all you have to do is reach out.


Our club provides a safe space to gather and talk, create friendships, try new things or go to new places, enjoy shared experiences, and support one another. Social contact is a powerful tool for widows. The monthly club bulletin contains detailed information about the latest activities. 


Join now and meet new friends who will help you on your journey.



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Margaret Mitchell

“Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect”

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